Many individuals struggle to cope with uncertainty. Their responses might include seeking comforting words from family and friends, envisioning worst-case scenarios or simply avoiding certain situations altogether.
First step to managing uncertainty: identify its sources. For instance, this could include spending too much time on social media, reading stories that portray worse-case scenarios in news stories, or talking with anxious friends.
Mindfulness Techniques
An effective coping skill in uncertain times is maintaining calm and staying focused through techniques like deep breathing exercises or meditation, journaling or sharing feelings with a trusted friend or family member.
Mindfulness is a state of awareness and openness that allows you to observe thoughts, feelings, and body sensations without judgment. It is a practice you can engage with anywhere at any time – at work, at home or even when traveling – without being attached to any particular outcome or outcome. Mindfulness can help detach from negative or fearful thoughts by acknowledging them before picturing them drifting off like clouds; and focus on what can be controlled now which helps decrease anxiety levels.
Regular aerobic exercise can exhilarate, soothe, and relax you. It can help regulate heart rate and breathing rates while having numerous health advantages that include helping prevent and treat depression, anxiety and mood disorders.
Being intolerant of uncertainty often involves trying to remove it from life by avoiding certain situations, over-analyzing what-ifs or worrying. Unfortunately, this approach only serves to deepen anxieties and worries; so instead focus on those things within your control such as our Worry Postponement exercise or practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques such as deep breathing through our meditation video for relaxation.
Social Support
Social support is essential to mental wellbeing, yet can sometimes be hard to access in times of uncertainty. Finding people you trust – be they family, friends or co-workers; health professionals; or support groups – who care is of vital importance for wellbeing.
Reduce exposure to stressors such as news and social media by setting aside specific times each day for reading news updates. If possible, limit yourself to just certain parts of the news cycle each day.
Ask yourself what aspects of the situation you can control and focus on those. Breathing exercises, meditation and other relaxation techniques can all be effective ways of relieving stress and anxiety. Remain optimistic; even with pandemic conditions things will improve soon enough. Mindfulness may help by keeping you grounded in the present moment while decreasing negative thinking patterns like catastrophizing (thinking worse of situations than they actually are) and underestimating your own ability to deal with difficulties.
Setting Goals
Life presents us with many things we cannot control; learning to accept uncertainty can help reduce anxiety and stress levels. Instead, focus on those aspects you can control such as eating well, exercising regularly, prioritizing self-care efforts, setting goals and prioritizing self-care needs.
Reducing news and social media exposure can also help decrease anxiety. Look for credible sources, limit how often you consume news, and set small daily goals that provide a sense of achievement during uncertain times – think of your ultimate goal as a ladder that needs multiple steps taken at once to reach its summit.
If you’re experiencing feelings of anxiety and fear, seeking professional assistance is a smart and courageous move. Therapists and counselors can guide you through this emotional maze.
Seek Help
If your anxiety is holding back from enjoying life to its fullest extent, professional assistance might be beneficial. BetterHelp offers online therapy services which connect patients to licensed and accredited therapists; or consult your primary care doctor who may refer you directly.
Try to recognize when you are craving certainty, paying attention to any physical cues such as tension in your body or throat tightness, before shifting focus towards what lies within your control rather than worrying about what might occur. Remember that life will always involve some uncertainty; practicing and being patient are keys for adaptability.