Acne Due to PCOS – How to Cure Acne Due to PCOS

Acne Due to PCOS – How to Cure Acne Due to PCOS

Acne associated with PCOS often manifests itself in blackheads and whiteheads as well as cystic acne (deep pus-filled pimples). This condition typically appears on cheeks, chin, jawline and upper neck areas.

An effective strategy for treating PCOS-related acne involves taking an integrative approach incorporating diet, lifestyle changes, supplements and medication such as Spironolactone(r) cyproterone acetate(r) oral contraceptives in order to manage hormone levels more effectively and decrease acne symptoms.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal acne is a frequent complication among women living with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). The condition causes the ovaries to produce too many androgen (male) hormones, leading to oil buildup in pores and pimples on the face, especially around the jawline and chin area; they may also affect upper neck or chest regions. Acne cysts – deeper and more painful versions of regular pimples – are the most serious type of PCOS-related acne cysts.

An effective treatment regimen typically entails hormonal medication, such as birth control pills or spironolactone, to reduce androgen production and inflammation caused by excess oil production. A healthier diet may also be helpful, such as eating balanced meals with plenty of water consumption and adequate restful sleep time; stress relief may be especially effective in cases of hormonal acne.

High Blood Sugar Levels

High blood sugar levels have been linked with both PCOS and acne. This is likely because sugary foods and refined carbohydrates often spike insulin levels, prompting ovaries to produce too many androgens and leading to sebum production, leading to acne breakouts.

PCOS, or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, is a hormonal condition affecting six to ten percent of reproductive-age women in North America and Europe. (1) Symptoms may include excessive hair growth, difficulty losing weight and menstrual irregularities as well as acne (2) Being diagnosed makes pregnancy harder, sometimes necessitating costly fertility treatments in order to achieve it.

People living with PCOS may benefit from consuming a healthy, well-rounded diet rich in healthy fats, whole grains and lean proteins. Regular exercise will also help them keep stable blood sugar levels. Metformin can be helpful in balancing insulin levels as well as decreasing acne-related issues like hirsutism and hyperpigmentation (3) while also helping prevent scarring caused by acne outbreaks.

Emotional Stress

One of the primary factors contributing to PCOS acne is emotional stress. A person’s physical appearance is of great significance to them, so when that is compromised by persistent pimples it can have profound psyche implications and lead to increased levels of stress which, in turn, disrupt hormone production further and intensify acne flareup.

Hormonal imbalances associated with PCOS increase levels of androgens, which enlarge oil-producing glands on the skin and lead to the production of more sebum clogging up pores and providing an ideal breeding ground for acne-causing bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes.

As a result, cystic acne results in cystic, deep-seated nodules with pus that cannot be picked or squeezed off, unlike regular acne. People suffering from cystic acne should avoid picking or popping their pimples as this could result in permanent scarring; rather they should engage in various mind-calming exercises and get at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night to reduce severity and prevent future flare ups of acne.


Diet is an integral component of how our bodies work and can have profound effects on hormone levels. Eating foods high in glycaemic index (GI), like processed snacks and cereals, may increase inflammation that causes acne flare ups; eating a PCOS diet comprising non-starchy vegetables, healthy fats, and spices can reduce this GI response and minimize acne flare ups.

Diets that are low in sugar and refined grains may help with inflammation reduction, digestion improvement and blood sugar regulation. A diet rich in whole foods with plenty of nutrient density can also strengthen immunity while supporting gut health and increasing energy.

Eliminating PCOS acne may seem impossible, but making small lifestyle adjustments, diet modifications, supplements and medication changes can have a major impact. By taking control of your diet and making positive lifestyle modifications you can achieve clear skin without any blemishes!

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