If you’re not sure about your health insurance plan’s benefits, it’s important to know the definitions and types of coverage. In general, health insurance plans cover the following services: emergency care, ambulatory patient services, hospitalization, behavioral health treatment, prescription drugs, preventive and wellness services, and pediatric services. But not all plans offer these services. In some cases, a health plan’s essential benefits may not be enough for your needs.
Chia seeds, for example, are an excellent source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Soluble fiber is known to lower LDL cholesterol and improve heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids are also associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. Though most studies involving human subjects have yielded mixed results, recent results from animal studies suggest that chia seeds can improve heart health. While it has a reputation as being unhealthy for humans, these seeds may actually improve overall health and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
Some studies have linked moderate honey consumption to a lower risk of developing high blood pressure in women. Others show that honey can protect the heart from oxidative stress in rats. Raw honey often contains a resin called propolis that may improve cholesterol levels and triglycerides. Further research is needed to determine the exact benefits of honey on heart health. But these findings do provide a good starting point for incorporating honey into your diet. There are plenty of other health benefits associated with honey.
Sex has many health benefits. It improves libido. Studies also suggest that sex improves the quality of the vaginal lining and blood flow to the vagina. Sex also strengthens the pelvic floor muscle, which prevents urinary incontinence. One third of women will experience incontinence at some point in their life, so good sex strengthens these muscles. If you’re looking for a fun way to increase your libido, try starting today!
Besides the health benefits of drinking tea, black tea also contains caffeine. Moreover, it promotes healthy immune function and can be used as a natural remedy for minor injuries. Tea can also be pressed onto the affected area to reduce swelling. Another way to reduce the pain associated with poison ivy and skin rashes is to drink a black tea bath. Lastly, black tea is rich in flavonoids, which help fight inflammation and promote healthy immunity.