As with any other skin condition, diabetes patients need special attention for their hands and feet. If a cut or blister is missed, it can quickly progress to gangrene or even a staph infection. Regardless of size, a diabetic should always seek medical treatment immediately. Listed below are some tips to help diabetics maintain healthy skin and nails. You can also learn more about how to prevent diabetes-related infections and how to maintain your feet’s health with these tips.
As a diabetic, proper skin care should begin with education. Before starting a new skincare routine, it’s important to understand the potential complications of diabetes and the need for regular blood sugar monitoring. Diabetics also need to keep their blood glucose levels within safe levels to avoid skin rashes and other complications. To prevent any skin problems caused by diabetes, diabetics should maintain a healthy weight, eat right, reduce salt intake, and exercise regularly.
When taking a bath, people with diabetes need to keep their skin moisturized. Because diabetes can lead to dryness, it is important to use a gentle body cleanser and moisturizer. Diabetics should also avoid using very hot water, as this will strip the skin of its natural oils, leaving it irritated and itchy. A moisturizing soap should be used instead of water. Another tip is to drink lots of water.
If a diabetic cuts or sprains their skin, they should clean it thoroughly with soap and warm water and disinfect with appropriate products. Then, cover the area with gauze pads or hypoallergenic tape to help prevent infection. Afterwards, a disinfecting ointment should be applied. The wound should be treated promptly. If the wound is infected, diabetics should seek medical attention immediately.
Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics are more likely to suffer from skin problems related to diabetes. High blood glucose causes poor blood circulation, limiting white blood cells’ ability to fight infections and damaging collagen in the skin. Damaged skin cells become more vulnerable to temperature and pressure, and are more likely to be infected. Skin diseases like vitiligo and skin tags should be treated to ensure that they don’t worsen or occur again.
Drinking plenty of fluids is also important. Drinking several liters of water a day can keep the body hydrated and prevent dehydration. Water-based herbal teas can count as part of your daily fluid intake. If you’re exercising or taking a diabetic medication, make sure to avoid sugary beverages and artificial sweeteners. In addition to drinking water, you should drink a sports drink made from a sugar-free formulation.